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08/08/2007 09:34 #40438

holy moly where have I been?
hey all -
i got caught in a wormhole. Is it still 2007?

i promise to post now that i have almost unlimited time on my hands. ha!

thanks for the kudos on the photos from letchworth. (e:chico) and I had a blast.

imk - yes yes yes - let's go hiking sometime.

libertad - i've been around. been up and down - strikes and gutters. but i'm getting back on my feet a little. la vida es dificil a veces. and, man, does that suck. *sigh*

By the way - Happy Moving-to-Buffalo One Year Anniversary to me and the (e:chico)- man!!

Heading to la playa in NJ this week - li'l sister and her boyfriend are up from TX. We are going to veg and bond. I need it bad. Looking forward to to follow.

Thanks peeps -
chicoschica - 08/13/07 22:44
jenks - well - not completely unlimited free time - but outside of work I have some free time on my hands.... and we should still chat...or commiserate ...whichever comes first..

paul - no prob! perhaps we can even drag chico and his bum knees...

libertad - 08/08/07 16:04
¡Aqui estas, no te pierdas de nuevo! I wish I was going to la playa. Have fun!
mrmike - 08/08/07 10:33
Nice to see you here once more
jenks - 08/08/07 10:15
unlimited free time?! Did I miss hearing about your new miracle job? ;)
paul - 08/08/07 10:12
Sorry I haven't called you about hiking yet. We really never ended up going accept for the week long camping trip in Vermont last week.

We should plan something soon, although fall is the best time for hiking around here anyways.

10/15/2006 14:36 #21227

City of Good Neighbors
As a transplant from NJ, I just want to say...Buffalo - you rock.

This is a link to an editorial from the BuffaloNews discussing some of the neighborliness post-storm.

We have also been the beneficiaries of good will when a couple of neighbors came around with their own chainsaws to take away fallen trees from Agassiz Circle and in front of our house and others. (Including (e:chico) - sans chainsaw, but was out there dragging debris!)

People have also been policing themselves at the Parkside/198 intersection - the lights have been out all weekend, yet people are stopping on the expressway to let people out from Parkside and Agassiz Circle. (I think there might have been a minor fender bender there last night, but so far, no catastrophes.)

Across the 198, Delaware Park looks like something out of tornado alley - in many cases just trunks sticking out of the ground. I hope they can salvage some of the trees there - I would like to find a way to help if I can...

In the meantime - thanks Buffalonians - I salute you [us? ;-) ]!!
ingrid - 03/22/07 22:07
HI! Chico told me to ask you about immunology programs. I got into the biophysics program at roswell park and i would be in the immunology training grant...but i also got offered to be in the immunology program at UVA...all of your input would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

10/13/2006 21:00 #21226

I service society by rocking
Just one of the things I've enriched my brain with today - Jack Black's School of Rock, hockey games, the Dog Whisperer (how does he DO that?) and other assorted sundries.

Yes we have power up here near the park.

I ventured outside today with el Chico just around the bend (which is where I'll be if I can't get out on the street soon - can you say stir crazy!!). Took some of them wound up on on their "i-reporter" gallery!! woohoo! Pretty swell...

In any case, I can't tell you how totally deflated and depressing it is to see all of the poor trees in our neighborhood alone. I feel SO bad for them - I hope some survive, though I know many won't - like the one in our front yard that split through its trunk into three pieces, one of which is blocking the road.

The real issue is the giant tree blocking the entrance to the circle - we won't get out even if we were to plow from the inside out - it has to be sawed away.

Anyway, here's some photos I took from around Agassiz Circle near Medaille campus today...and from around the house where we live..


the 198 across from Delaware Park...

our landlord's son with a giant snow boulder he made. He is standing in the "street" in front of our house - you can see our tree in the street right behind him...

this is so sad...






Stay warm peeps!!

libertad - 10/14/06 22:35
i love the rose pic. How telling!

10/12/2006 20:50 #21225

We made history today!
"The Buffalo Airport had officially received 3 inches of snow
through 8pm. This makes October 12, 2006 the third snowiest day in
October in 137 years of weather records. Six inches of snow
occurred on October 13, 1909 and again on October 31, 1917."


09/14/2006 23:20 #21224

Buffalo So Needs This!
Category: big red balls
According to this article in the New York Times, kickball leagues have been sprouting up all over America:

I don't know if kickball is a big deal in grade schools in Buffalo, but I remember it as being great fun, requiring very little athletic ability, and maybe vaguely dangerous -- if a red rubber playground ball could possibly be dangerous. You do get to throw it at people -- sort of a combination of softball and dodgeball. You know you love it.

Anyway, it's a funny idea. I think we need to start a kickball league in Buffalo next spring. Let me know if you're into it!


Nationwide adult kickball association:

A kickball [league] grows in Brooklyn:

enknot - 10/13/06 01:04
Ok, this is madd late in the game for me, but we're not hipsters! Oh..well I guess some of us are, but not really NO we're not, not at all. You should come out once. We're more hippies than anything else...not even. Well, ok you can't now but you should when it gets better out. Yeah! Dangit!
hodown - 09/15/06 15:35
Ok you so got me cause I cant find the post either. Weird. Anyways refering back to my emails about it, it was dodge ball any way. And no one wanted to do it, because they hate the dodgeball hipsters. And also, yes read my blog, i agree :)
chico - 09/15/06 14:57
OK, I 'fess up, I wrote chica's post (she's having logout trouble and I really wanted to post something about the kickball article.

Of course, I'd been scooped (e:hodown), as always. Hodown, I bow down to you, you rule.

I also went through (e:hodown)'s backlog and while I didn't find the kickball reference, I am reminded how much I've missed reading my favorite blogs on e-strip during the past month. OK, that's it, I'm back, bitches. And if you haven't been reading (e:hodown)'s blog, shame on you. Who else would dedicate an entire post to skorts? Fucking A.

And a shout-out to (e:enknot) for the Buffalo Kickball action, boy am I sorry I missed that post (e:enknot,37) when it first went up on 8/13.
terry - 09/15/06 11:59
Do you really need an excuse for that? Sporty shorts with knee high striped socks is always in! What's your excuse for the soppers, Ms. Ho?
hodown - 09/15/06 08:57
I wrote a post about this a while ago. It's all the rage with the hipsters in Brooklyn. Really it's their excuse to dress up 70s gym style and drink.
paul - 09/15/06 00:07
There is already one. (e:enknot) and his friends are really into to. You should ask him about it, he is always trying to get more peopl einto it.