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Category: out

02/11/06 01:01 - ID#23788

BOOBS! (or: I am a terrible bowler)

Grr, this is a redo after crashing, but here goes...

So last night we had a Girls' Night Out in honor of Yvonne/imk2 (who, for those of you who don't know her, is a knockout, and a Cool Chick. Fuck that ex! He's a loser and an idiot for letting her go). In attendence were (e:imk2), (e:ladycroft), (e:theecarey), (e:me), and non-(e:) Jen, Miranda, Julie, and Lynne. We went to Voelker's, which is a weird semi-seedy place. There is a bar up front, where it is very complicated to pay for your food, which the bartender orders over the phone. It is also non-smoking, except that you can smoke if you pay a dollar towards the fine. (I wonder if that's how the Pink gets around the rules too...) We were just about the only girls there, and apparently we were being leered at, though I am always oblivious, and was too busy eating my (bad) fries to notice. But we did come up with some story about this being our last night out before leaving for the convent, in an attempt to fend off one especially persistent little guy. Though I think the amount of collective cleavage showing tipped him off. But so then we moved to the actual lanes, where I was reminded of just how badly I suck at bowling. But I'm ok with that. We bowled, with varying degrees of success, drank beer, and garnered some gawks as we posed for pix.
Then it was off to OPM lounge, where we did NOT find PMT. But the beats were kickin' so we shook our rumps for a while...

And without further ado, the pictorial evidence:


Jen, who does a cute little "go that way go that way!" dance.

"ONE! One lousy pin?! But I have mad skillz! Damn you bowling gods!!"

Nice jugs, ladies.

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

(How could I resist?)

How come everyone else can make a good "off to the convent" angelic smile, and all I can muster is that stupid face? bleh!

less angelic?

Yes, that is the shocker in Carey's crotch.

That guy was not the intended subject of my pic. But look how happy he is!

Looking pretty for the camera one last time, before getting hauled off in the squad car behind us.

Smokin' hot. Literally.

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Permalink: BOOBS_or_I_am_a_terrible_bowler_.html
Words: 417

Category: out

12/10/05 11:35 - ID#23730

hometown boys

So once again my inability to say no to social opportunities and skills as a master procrastinator came out tonight...
I am working tomorrow. All my friends are going to the Bills/Pats game. I've never been to a game, I wish I could go. I console myself by knowing that at least I won't be freezing my ass off all day.
But so I was planning to have a nice quiet, early night tonight. Was all set to go get a christmas tree, then come home, make some mulled cider, play christmas carols and Get Festive, Dammit!
But first we had to eat something.
So we went to colter bay. Planned to wolf down a quick burger, then get to the serious work at hand.
But I saw a hummer limo parked outside- thought that might mean that the Santa Pub Crawl (including my ex) might be nearby. (I know they are out tonight.)
So we were eating at the bar, and this guy asks my friend where a good place is to go out. And I hear his accent and look over and see the Pats jersey, and have to ask where he's from. As I suspected, they were a bunch of good old RI boys in town for the game.
So we decided the tree can wait, and they bought us beers and sambuca and entertained us thoroughly for a few few hours. All the rhode island talk nearly made me homesick.
Fortunately my friend was there to keep me from going to frizzy's to say hi to the santas. My dignity thanks her. So will I when my alarm goes off in the AM, and I do not have a hangover.
So now it's off to bed.
Night everyone.
Enjoy your saturday night.

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Permalink: hometown_boys.html
Words: 297



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Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

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yes thank you!
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Nice to hear from you!! Hope everything is going great....

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