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05/03/2009 15:25 #48585

wooden technology
hmm...i'm on a roll today. second post of the day.

i'm confused about this. i'm not sure how i feel about wooden technology. somehow i don't find it surprising that this should come out of russia.

watches---used to be coveted by russian tsars, now they are worth $20,000.


modern computer mouse.






just for the record, this is the first mouse ever created back in 1964. Douglas Engelbart


modern cell phone.'s not so modern anymore since smartphones came on the market, but still...



and computers.....reminds me of the steampunk versions that are floating out there.







don't forget about my other post below.
dcoffee - 05/04/09 12:51
Neato.. I like the mouse. that CPU is badass too. I don't know about the wooden gears and stuff though... As long as it works :)
metalpeter - 05/03/09 16:00
Well I have heard that using wood is really better then plastic wood can be reused and often all of plastic doesn't break down or something not sure if that is true. But there is also a certain look you get with wood that you can't get with plastic. Well that is unless it is the plastic they put in cars to make look like wood. Wow I have said all this stuff about wood and never made any jokes about the other meaning of wood.

05/03/2009 14:59 #48583

weirdest pillows
i must say, they're pretty crafty. my fave is the godfather tribute.









if youre interested in seeing a few more not so interesting ones, go here:

metalpeter - 05/03/09 16:03
I think the pebble ones might fit good with the wood stuff in your other post. I do like the girl on the ground she does look pretty cute. What would really be odd is running into her sleeping outside someplace with that, I'm sure that would cause all kinds of problems.
paul - 05/03/09 15:28
I would love to have those pebble ones. I saw them before. My ideal room would have no furniture and those although I would prob have to wear a gas mask because of the dust. So say instead of fabric, maybe leather pebbles ;)

04/27/2009 18:39 #48520

the date is set
i'm leaving on May 19th for london. we have to plan something before i go, k?
museumchick - 04/29/09 21:35
Wow... I'm so glad you can move to London! Congratulations:). I know everyone will miss you here though.
tinypliny - 04/28/09 12:49
2 Things.

Is Slawa okay?? The office is worried.

Really? Are you moving for good?
leetee - 04/28/09 11:00
you're MOVING to London!!?!?! like omg, i am so jealous and happy for you at the same time!!

pmt? going away bash, perhaps???
ladycroft - 04/28/09 06:53
As in moving there? I'm behind on my reading for many reasons. If you're moving, we could probably pop by for a visit on our way to the states in july!
james - 04/27/09 23:27
That is so awesome. I am very excited for you. Bring a little Buffalo class to those godless barbarians.
mrmike - 04/27/09 20:59
Definitely. That has to be both exciting and kind of nerve wracking. With Jenks leaving the state and you leaving the country, the estrip fabulous babe count is taking a serious beating.
metalpeter - 04/27/09 19:19
Well if and or when people figure something out let me know and I will do my best to be there.

04/03/2009 23:29 #48276

modern day vampires

They're eating a freshly killed deer or elk. That little girls lips are not that red from lipstick, they're covered in blood.

imk2 - 04/08/09 12:17

of course i know the difference between eating flesh and drinking blood and i know the the inuit eat raw meat regularly. it preserves vitamin content that is so scarce in the arctic that cooking would destroy.

I was just trying to be somewhat funny.
metalpeter - 04/04/09 16:42
As My creatures of the night friends would tell you no Vampire would ever eat an Animal, the blood must be Human or even Synthetic, the vampire underworld in an attempt to stay that way wrote a show called trublood and it can be seen on HBO. There is even a fake or maybe it is real dating site based on the show. The fake blood is called V by the way. On a side note there was a bar in Buffalo (some people may have been there) it is net to the Tudor over near sheas that was Called Sanctury, it had skulls on the side of it. They got closed down because some of there vampire sex shows I guess had real sex. There are really people who dress and live as vampires but most of them aren't really ones. There are people who like to do it sexualy also and do things like blood play. On a side note my vampire buddy just let me know that to be a Vampire one must be sexy other wise it doesn't work. Yes I do think there might be some real vampires out there but they aren't like how they are in the movies.
uncutsaniflush - 04/03/09 23:44
Eating raw meat is traditional in Artic Circle and everyone participates in the celebration.

I think there is a difference between eating raw flesh which happens to have blood in it and drinking blood. If you are right that anyone who eats raw flesh is a vampire, then anyone who has eaten steak tartare and sashimi is a vampire.

Unless stuff like eggs and onions and rice and seaweed make it more morally acceptable to eat/drink animal blood and flesh.

04/01/2009 16:15 #48257

Super Pii Pii Brothers for Wii
The guys over at have a tradition of coming up with April Fool's jokes. This year they are selling Super Pii Pii Brothers for the Wii for $34.99. It's a game that uses a wii mote that you strap onto a harness and use it to pee into toilets as they open and close and score points if you pee on cats and critters as they pop up from the water. They claim it's an import from Japan and since we all know that the Japanese are pretty much crazy it almost seems kind of plausible.



metalpeter - 04/02/09 18:47
(e:fellyconnelly) you should make them anyways.

How about something like what is next a game called Golden Showers. Hey the piss could be different colors based on what you drank.

I wonder how real the sounds are does it sound different when it hits the walls the water and the floor.
fellyconnelly - 04/02/09 06:22
i had about 27 different comments i intended on making. I have decided all would be tasteless.
tinypliny - 04/01/09 20:58
AHA! Gender equality rearing its {insert politically correct adjective here} head in video games.
metalpeter - 04/01/09 18:53
Well what would be interesting is to see if guys get higher scores then girls, HA. Us guys don't aim into other bathrooms so it might be kinda even. Now that they have the first strap on game, I wonder if they will come out with some kind of sex game, HA.
james - 04/01/09 16:21
That game looks like lots of fun actually.

I especially like the stage where you pee on a gimp.